Saturday, April 26, 2014

April 2014 - A Kitchen Box Review!

I was thrilled to receive my first box subscription!
I absolutely love cooking and trying out new recipes....
first glimpse into the box.. I really like the "unpacking your taste box" card that tells everything in the box...
Presentation is everything! Tissue, tuck-ins, and surprises! 
A beautiful box indeed! 
Whole Spice Sea Salt - Napa Valley
I was actually running low on sea salt! 
Whole Spice Nigella Seed - Napa Valley

I honestly didn't know how to use these but the recipe card that came in the box called for them! 
This is a recipe postcard that is pre-stamped to send to a friend! 
Every box comes with a flour sack can never have enough! : ) 
Good things come in cute little wrapped packages, right? 
Oh yes!  A pair of white tasting spoons.. did I mention that I love this box?
Red Ridge Oregon Olive Mill Extra Virgin Olive Oil

I use olive oil quite frequently so this is a plus! 
Now this is impressive!
A letter-pressed recipe by private chef, blogger, and entertaining expert Sarah Ashley Schniear...
Here is everything that was included in the box..which was a lot!
2 tasting spoons
Recipe postcard
Sea salt and nigella seed
Letter pressed recipe card
Oregon Olive Mill olive oil
Flour sack towel
A thank you note from
Free music download by Future Historians
Also included in the box was this quote by Chef Marcel Boulestin... the designs on all of's tuck-ins and postcards are pristine and correlate well.. I love it all! 
I downloaded the code right away... totally my style of music and I added it to my kitchen playlist...
Overall, I am very impressed with and so glad that  I ordered the Spring Quarterly Subscription which means I have two more boxes coming my way!  I think this box is perfect for anyone who loves to cook, entertain, and try new recipes! It makes a lovely gift for an aspiring culinary student, a home cook, a friend who loves to entertain, or any foodie!

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